Dual-comb spectroscopy of ammonia formation in non-thermal plasmas

Plasma-activated chemical transformations promise the efficient synthesis of salient chemical products. However, the reaction pathways that lead to desirable products are often unknown, and key quantum-state-resolved information regarding the involved molecular species is lacking. Here we use quantum cascade laser dual-comb spectroscopy (QCL-DCS) to probe plasma-activated NH3 generation with rotational and vibrational state resolution, quantifying state-specific number densities via broadband spectral analysis.

On the relationship between SiF4 plasma species and sample properties in ultra low-k etching processes

The temporal behavior of the molecular etching product SiF4 in fluorocarbon-based plasmas used for the dry etching of ultra low-k (ULK) materials has been brought into connection with the polymer deposition on the surface during plasma treatment within the scope of this work. For this purpose, the density of SiF4 has been measured time-resolved using quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy (QCLAS).