Validation of THz absorption spectroscopy by a comparison with ps-TALIF measurements of atomic oxygen densities

This data set contains the data shown in the corresponding publication in Applied Physics Letters ( This publication presents a benchmark of THz absorption spectroscopy against a more established method. Atomic oxygen densities were measured with THz absorption spectroscopy and compared to those obtained from picosecond (ps) two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence (TALIF) measurements on the same capacitively coupled radio frequency oxygen discharge.

Terahertz absorption spectroscopy for measuring atomic oxygen densities in plasmas - Dataset

This data set contains the data shown in the corresponding publication in Plasma Sources Science and Technology ( This publication presents the first implementation of terahertz (THz) quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) for high-resolution absorption spectroscopy on plasmas. Absolute densities of ground state atomic oxygen were directly obtained by using the fine structure transition at approximately 4.75 THz.


The HelixJet is a capacitively coupled radio-frequency (RF) plasma source operating at atmospheric pressure. The RF power is applied to two double helix electrodes. The electrodes are placed outside a quartz tube fed by the working gas. The HelixJet has unique features highly relevant for practical applications. The innovative double helix electrode design enables extremely stable and homogeneous plasma conditions at low gas flow rates. This plays a crucial role for the quality and reproducibility of several applications, e.g.

Miniaturized Noble Gas Plasma Jet

The Miniaturized Noble Gas Plasma Jet has originally been designed to be inserted into the working channel of a conventional endoscope. It has a tube-like character, is flexible, very thin and generates a biologically active jet plasma at the gas outlet. The device consists of an inner plastic tube, a ceramic nozzle, an outer plastic tube and a metal wire. The inner plastic tube is plugged upon the thin end of the ceramic nozzle.

High-speed thermal microscopy of plasma microprinting at atmospheric pressure

The HelixJet ( was applied to simultaneous melting and plasma treatment of polyamide (PA 12) microparticles (diameter 60 µm) used conventionally for 3D printing by laser sintering. This proof-of-principle experiment demonstrated that gaussian thickness profiles of PA 12 can be printed using the HelixJet with a rapid rate of 200 mg/s (peak growth 2 mm/s) and with advantageous material properties. The key element of this novel process is the self-regulated balance between material melting and plasma quenching.

Benchmark data for fluid modelling of low-pressure CCRF discharge plasmas

The dataset contains data from comparative studies of capacitively coupled radio-frequency (CCRF) discharges in helium and argon at pressures between 10 and 80 Pa applying two different fluid modeling approaches as well as two independently developed particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision (PIC-MCC) codes. The dataset provides a test bed for future studies of simple ccrf discharge configurations in helium and argon at pressures ranging from 10 to 80 Pa.