
The spatial density distribution of H2O2 in the effluent of the COST-Jet and the kINPen-sci operated with a humidified helium feed gas - dataset

This work serves to highlight the difference of the distinct spatial distribution of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) in the effluent of the kINPen-sci plasma jet and the COST reference microplasma jet (COST Jet) operated with humidified helium. For this purpose, the density of H2O2 has been measured spatially resolved using cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy employing continuous wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy (cw-CRDS) with a tunable mid-infrared laser.

The localised density of H₂O₂ in the effluent of a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet determined by continuous-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy

The data set comprises full cavity ring-down spectra and absorption coefficients obtained from on/off-resonance measurements, in order to determine the spatial distribution of H2O2 in the cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet kINPen-sci. Therefore, the plasma jet was operated with 3 slm Ar and 3000 ppm water, and was equipped with a gas curtain of 5 slm O2. To determine the effective absorption length, the H2O2 absorption was measured in radial direction. These radial fits had a Gaussian-like shape.

Spatial distribution of HO₂ in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet investigated by cavity ring-down spectroscopy - dataset

The data set comprises full cavity ring-down spectra and absorption coefficients obtained from on-off-resonance measurements, in order to determine the spatial distribution of HO₂ in the cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet kINPen-sci. Therefore, the plasma jet was operated with 3 slm Ar and 3000 ppm water, and was equipped with a gas curtain of 5 slm O₂. To determine the effective absorption length, the HO₂ absorption was measured in radial direction. These radial fits had a Gaussian-like shape.

Ar metastable densities (³P₂) in the effluent of a filamentary atmospheric pressure plasma jet with humidified feed gas - dataset

The Ar(³P₂) metastable density in the effluent of the cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet kINPen-sci was investigated as a function of the feed gas humidity, the gas curtain composition, and the distance from the nozzle by means of laser atomic absorption spectroscopy. The data set comprises the axial distributions of the Ar metastables as a function of these parameters.