active screen plasma nitrocarburizing

Precision spectroscopy of non-thermal molecular plasmas using mid-infrared optical frequency comb Fourier transform spectroscopy

The dataset contains results from application of a mid-infrared frequency comb-based Fourier transform spectrometer to measure high-resolution spectra of plasmas containing hydrogen, nitrogen, and a carbon source in the 2800 – 3400 cm–1 range. The spectrally broadband and high-resolution capabilities of this technique enable quantum-state-resolved spectroscopy of multiple plasma-generated species simultaneously, including CH4, C2H2, C2H6, NH3, and HCN, providing detailed information beyond the limitations of current methods.

Laser absorption spectroscopy for plasma-assisted thermochemical treatment - dataset

Laser absorption spectroscopy (LAS) was applied to investigate a low pressure DC-pulsed discharge in N2-H2 gas mixtures with addition of CH4 or O2. The discharge was maintained in an industrial-scale, active screen plasma nitrocarburizing (ASPNC) reactor with a steel active screen (AS). Spectroscopic lines of CH4, NH3, HCN, CO and H2O were recorded. The dataset contains the species densities for different gas mixtures.